
I have a dog! Her name is Susie and I love her so much! She is my best friend and she is obligated to be because well she’s a dog and has no choice. She is a little black and white shitzue and is about 5 years old! She is very happy all the time and is a very good listener. She is playful and loves to cuddle which is great for rainy days and Netflix. She sleeps at the end of my bed with me every night and is my partner in crime. I couldn’t see myself ever being without her by my side. 

My family has had many pets in the past. We have had everything from bunnies to fish to birds. But never a dog. Me and my sister begged and begged them for a puppy for years but we always got the answer “dogs are a lot of work and take a lot of responsibility”. This didn’t stop me and my sister from nagging them all the time. Finally oneday after eating freebirds we saw someone selling little black and white shitzues and we caved in! We stoped and started playing with them. We all instantly fell in love with the runt of the group who was sweet yet feisty. We took her home and named her Susie Q and we have loved her ever sence. 


I have absolutely no clue why anyone would enjoy creating a sentence that exceeds one hundred words; I mean isn’t that just compleatly  and utterly pointless, and not to mention how complex, complicated, and boring it would sound but I do see how it can be very entertaining; I mean it’s like a puzzel where you have to contemplate on where to put commas, semicolons, dashes, and parentheses; but absolutely no periods, exclamation marks or question marks (this seems pretty darn impossible to acheeve without thought effort and lots and lots of time) ; though it is not impossible, it just makes me feel like I’m blabbering on and on.

JB Forever and Ever

Now the title of this may make you think Justin Bieber. Well that’s not the case. I am talking about the one and the only Jonas Brothers. These 3 boys will forever have a special place in my heart. This was the first CD I had ever bought with my own money. For the longest time in my life me and my sister loved Nick, Joe, and Kevin; they were our boy band crushes. I remember going into target one day with my mom and we walked down where all the movies, music, and books were. My eyes locked on their album and I couldn’t take my eyes off of that beautiful CD cover. Its gold framing and its black and white cover of the three boys standing there looking all hot and whatnot made me lose my breath. I snatched up the album and ran as fast as I could to show my mom. She did not approve of my obsession and wouldn’t purchase it for me. Sadly we left with only greeting cards and beauty supplies and NO JONAS BROTHERS ALBUM! I was so disappointed that I was determined to get it myself! I decided to open up a lemonade stand/garage sale and sell all I had to obtain about $13.99. Once I had gained this $13.99 I begged on my knees to my mother to let me go buy it for myself! So then we went back to target and I walked it with my head held high and strutted to the movie, music, and books section. THERE WAS ONLY ONE COPY LEFT SO I HAD TO FIGHT OFF THE OTHER JONAS BROTHER LOVERS AND I CAME OUT ON TOP!(just kidding, but there was only one copy luckily) I then proceeded to the checkout line where I then slapped down my money and payed for my first piece of music in my life!

I do still have the album and I am currently listening to their music while I write this. I wish I did still listen to it because its the best music my ears have ever heard. My love for Nick, Joe, and Kevin will never ever, never ever ever leave until I die! I am so proud of my choice in music with the Jonas Brothers and I would never ever be ashamed or embarrassed of admitting my everlasting love for them! My mom just reviled her interest for them to me and now we are all jamming to their songs. She might have been worried when I stared covering every inch of my walls with blown up posters of their faces but that’s not that too bad.

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