Obamas state of the union address

In obamas speech he talked about how community college should be free of cost. Well I don’t really agree with this idea because where else are they gonna get money from. I don’t really know how the system works but I’m assuming that if we make community college free we will lose money some how. I know we want more people to go to college but is this really the best way? I hope not. I think this is a bad idea also because we need people to actually work to go to college so they can benefit out society.

He also talked about helping families out who have children to take care of. I think this is a good idea initially because it would be harder to pay for multiple kids to eat to be clothed and in the future go to college but that doesn’t mean make community colleges free. I just think that’s stupid. I’m all for helping out those moms out there with several kids give them special privileges or something….politics confuse me and I don’t know how to think about them….

I hate politics so…sorry


  1. So, I totally see where you are coming from with the flaws of offering community college for free. And while I do not believe it is the best way to increase education numbers in our country, I applaud Obama and his administration for striving to increase the education rates and lower poverty rates. Remember, new ideas are practically never perfect. I mean, if you were to see the first draft of my English papers, you might cry in response to the grade you imagine it receiving. But new plans evoke other ideas in your peers, ultimately leading to the chain reaction of something worth noting. Continuing the paper analogy, as people edit my essay, they are able to offer revisions and improve my prospective grade. So I would like to urge you to keep an open mind as you observe the newly proposed plans. While it is important to voice your opinion and to know what you believe in, it is also important to weigh the ideas of those around you. 🙂


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